Authentication increases your Control Center security and allows you to assign users and user groups to Access Roles.

Your Authentication Method enables only authorized users to log in to your Control Center and other Label Management System modules. With an authentication method enabled, Control Center recognizes your users and corresponding permissions.


If you lose a stable connection with Control Center, a warning appears on your screen. You enter a grace period, during which you can still work offline, but you must sign in and reconnect your software before your grace period ends.

If you change your username and password, you have to reconnect your software before your grace period ends.

Control Center administrators can set Access Roles for different users or groups of users. Each role has a different set of permissions.


To update your authentication method, at least one of your users must be a member of the Administrator Access Role.

To update your Authentication Method:

  1. Go to Administration > Authentication.

  2. Select your Authentication method.

    • As Windows AD users (recommended): Users are defined in your Active Directory. Your server with Control Center must be a member of the same domain or you must establish a domain trust relationship between your two domains.

      Your users get access when you add their Windows AD to an Access Role in Control Center. Your users become Windows users and don't need to enter credentials to log in to Label Management System Control Center. Their Windows credentials are sent directly to your Control Center. Control Center also recognizes your Windows user groups.


      You can still add application users, but they can only run your shared Applications.


      NiceLabel supports both LDAP and LDAPS (LDAP over SSL) connection protocols.

      LDAPS communication is encrypted and secure while LDAP transmits communications in clear text.

      Because of the potential for attacks and misuse of insecure LDAP connections, Microsoft recommends using LDAPS with Active Directory domain controllers when possible.

      If your system cannot establish an LDAPS connection, you can use an LDAP fallback connection.

    • As application users: Users need to enter credentials (user name and password). Users get access when they are added as application users in Control Center with corresponding Access Roles.


      The default NiceLabel administrator password is NICE.


      You can define password settings for your application users.


      See the details about the password settings in a topic about application users.

    • Without authentication: Users don't need to enter credentials when they log in to Control Center. They are not authenticated in any way, everyone in your network can access your Label Management System and has all user privileges (Role Permissions).

      All users have access permissions from the Roles Off Access Role. By default, all Roles Off Access Role users have administrative privileges.


      By default, your Control Center authentication method is set to Without authentication.

      Consider possible security risks when you choose not to use authentication.

  3. Click Save.

Your Authentication Method is updated. If you use authentication, you can now add users to Access Roles and assign permissions.