
[en] The application that provides data for label printing into NiceLabel Automation might expect to receive information about print job statuses. Feedback can be as simple as "All OK" in case of a successful print job generation, or detailed error description in case of an issue. Due to performance reasons, NiceLabel Automation disables feedback possibility by default. This ensures high-throughput printing as trigger doesn't care about the print process execution. The errors are logged to log database, but the trigger does not handle them.

[en] You can also use this method to send feedback about other data the trigger collects. This can be status of network printers, number of jobs in the printer spooler, list of labels in a folder, list of variables in the specified label file, and many more.


[en] To enable feedback support from print engine, enable synchronous print mode. For more information, see section Synchronous Print Mode.

[en] Enable print job status feedback using one of the two available methods.