La traduzione ufficiale non è ancora disponibile.

[en] Direct marking is a method of printing messages directly to your products on your production line. Each product on your production line triggers your printer to print data directly on items. Data contains your label template stored in printer memory and variable values sent to the printer. Direct marking printers are stand-alone inkjet or laser printers where printing is continuous. The same label template prints until your printer receives the command to change the label template.

[en] The store and recall process has 3 steps:

  1. [en] Designing your labels and setting the properties for Store functionality. Design your labels in NiceLabel Designer where you enable the Store functionality and set Store variant property.

  2. [en] Storing label templates to your printer. You store your labels after you design them in NiceLabel Designer. Once you design and store your labels, you only perform Recall.

  3. [en] Recalling (printing). You perform this step every time you want to change your printed variable data or label template.



[en] Some printers support the print quantity option. With this option, you can define the number of prints in your print jobs. Printing stops after the defined quantity of your labels is printed.

[en] For example, most printers can only print continuously, which means you can't print a predefined number of labels. Consult your printer manufacturer for more information.


[en] Download and install the latest Loftware driver for your printer and the latest edition of NiceLabel Designer to design, store, and recall your label templates.

[en] Each Loftware driver has certain specifics to consider during installation and later while designing and printing labels. For more information, read Installation And Setup Guidelines in driver Help.