[en] Fix errors with NiceLabel Proxy Service 10 not running

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[en] Problem

[en] When you try to run NiceLabel Desktop Designer or Automation, you get the error

[en] We cannot run NiceLabel Desktop Designer

[en] NiceLabel Desktop Designer cannot run because NiceLabel Proxy Service 10 is not running


[en] Solution

[en] NiceLabel Proxy Service 10 is a Windows service that broadcasts packets and receives replies from other NiceLabel applications in your labeling environment. By default, NiceLabel Proxy Service 10 starts automatically when you start Windows. NiceLabel Proxy Service 10 errors can occur for different reasons.

[en] To resolve NiceLabel Proxy Service 10 errors:

  • [en] Install the latest version of NiceLabel. You can find updated software on our downloads page.

  • [en] Make sure NiceLabel Proxy Service 10 is running.

    1. [en] Open Windows Services. Click Start or press <Windows> key and type "Services".

    2. [en] Click Services. Your Windows Services window opens.

    3. [en] Select NiceLabel Proxy Service 10 and click Start.

  • [en] If you can't start or restart NiceLabel Proxy Service 10, rename or archive product.config and license.db files in your NiceLabel folder %PROGRAMDATA%\NiceLabel\


    [en] Restart NiceLabel Proxy Service 10 and run Desktop Designer.


    [en] Desktop Designer generates new product.config and license.db files on restart.

  • [en] Temporarily change your NiceLabel Proxy Service 10 Log On account. Log on to NiceLabel Proxy Service 10 with your Local System account.

    1. [en] Open Windows Services and double-click NiceLabel Proxy Service 10.

    2. [en] NiceLabel Proxy Service 10 Properties opens. Go to Log On and select Local System account.

    3. [en] Click OK.

    4. [en] Restart Desktop Designer.

    5. [en] If you can start NiceLabel Proxy Service 10 with Local System account, change <our account back to your user account.

  • [en] Some antivirus software blocks NiceLabel Proxy Service 10. Try disabling your antivirus software for testing. If you find conflicts, contact our support for more help. Let us know which antivirus you use.