[en] While installing Control Center, you accidentally enabled HTTPS protocol. After the installation, your Control Center is inaccessible.
[en] If you enabled HTTPS intentionally, check Control Center Installation Guide.
[en] To disable HTTPS after you installed Control Center, choose one of the two options:
[en] Solution 1
[en] Uninstall, then install Control Center. Leave HTTPS option unchecked when installing.
[en] This is the preferred option. All your data and settings remain with reinstalling.
[en] Solution 2
[en] Manually disable HTTPS after the installation:
[en] Open Registry editor, and navigate to Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\EuroPlus\NiceLabelPrintCenter\5.0\Settings
[en] Set the HTTPSEnabled Value to FALSE.
[en] In file explorer, navigate to "C:\Program Files\NiceLabel\NiceLabel Control Center\WEB\".
[en] Open "web.config" file with text or XML editor.
[en] Search for the string "<security mode="Transport" >" and add comment marks:
<!--<security mode="Transport" />-->
[en] Search for the string "<httpCookies requireSSL="true" /" and add comment marks:
<!--<httpCookies requireSSL="true" />-->
[en] HTTPS is now disabled, and you can run your Control Center.