[en] Printer Installation Wizard (PRNINST) Command-line Options

La traduction officielle n'est pas encore disponible.

[en] Problem

[en] The Printer Installation Wizard (PRNINST) supports command-line parameters to automate installation/removal of the Loftware Printer Drivers.

[en] Solution

[en] UPDATE. For up-to-date driver, installation procedures see the Loftware printer drivers installation guide.


[en] Install the printer driver. Specify the exact printer name and the printer port.

[en] To find out the exact printer name, look at the <printer_brand>.INF file. It contains a list of all available printer names. You can find the .INF file in the folder, where you have stored the printer driver installation files.

[en] Syntax:


[en] xxxxx - full printer driver name

[en] yyyyy - port name

[en] wwwww – printer destination name - optional

[en] Sample:

[en] Use the /DIR parameter with the /INSTPRN parameter so the application knows where to look for the printer driver.

PrnInst.exe "/DIR=C:\Drivers\AVERY\" "/INSTPRN=Avery AP 5.4 200DPI#COM2:"
PrnInst.exe "/DIR=C:\Drivers\PRINTRONIX\" "/INSTPRN=Printronix T5306#IP_192.168.0.1"
PrnInst.exe "/DIR=C:\Drivers\DATAMAX\" "/INSTPRN=DATAMAX DMX I-4210#LPT1:#My Office Printer"
PrnInst.exe "/DIR=C:\Drivers\SATO\" "/INSTPRN=SATO CL408e#LPT2:#Conference Hall Printer"


[en] INSTPRN must be the last specified parameter in the command line.


[en] Uninstall the printer driver.


[en] xxxxx – exact printer name you want to uninstall


[en] Install drivers for multiple printers at the same time. Specify the exact printer names and printer ports.

[en] To find out the exact printer name, look at the <printer_brand>.INF file. It contains a list of all available printer names. You can find the .INF file in the folder, where you have stored the printer driver installation files.

[en] Syntax:


[en] xxxxx - full file name and path of Printer Driver Installation List file

[en] Syntax of Printer Driver Installation List file structure:

[en] xxxxxxxxxxxxx#yyyyyyyyyyy#zzzzzzzzzz[#wwwwwwwww]

[en] xxxxxxxxxxxxx - full path of start folder for "reading of .INF files"

[en] yyyyyyyyyyy - full printer driver name

[en] zzzzzzzzzz - port name

[en] wwwwwwwwww – printer destination name - optional

[en] Sample:

PrnInst.exe /INSTMULTPRN=C:\tmp\PrinterList.tmp

For example, the file PrinterList.tmp contains the following lines.
C:\Drivers\INTERMEC\WIN32\#EasyCoder PF4i (300 dpi) - DP#LPT1:
C:\Drivers\CAB\WIN32\#CAB A2 300DPI#COM1:
C:\Drivers\ZEBRA\WIN32\#ZEBRA 170XiIII Plus#LPT2:#My Office Printer
C:\Drivers\IMAJE\WIN32\#Imaje 243x#IMAJE2430_LANPORT:#Line Printer

[en] In this case, four printer drivers are installed, EasyCode PF4i (linked to LPT1 port) and CAB A2 (linked to COM1 port), Zebra 170XiII Plus with the name "My Office Printer" (linked to LPT2 port), and Imaje 243x with the name "Line Printer" (linked to port IMAJE2430_LANPORT).


La dernière entrée d'imprimante dans le fichier .INF doit se terminer par une nouvelle ligne (<Entrée>), la dernière ligne du fichier est donc une ligne vide.


[en] Use this parameter to run the application in the uninstall mode. You see the list of installed printer drivers. You can select one or more drivers and remove them.

[en] Sample:

PrnInst.exe /UNINSTALL
[en] DIR

[en] Specify the location of your drivers. This is the path that the application uses to browse for the printer drivers. The default location is the folder and subfolders, from where the application starts.

[en] Syntax:


[en] xxxxx - full path from which to start searching for .INF files

[en] Sample:

PrnInst.exe /DIR=C:\Drivers\AVERY\

[en] Preinstall your printer drivers. With this option, your printer drivers are copied to Windows Driver Storage and are ready to use. When you attach the new label printer to the computer, Windows uses the preinstalled Loftware drivers automatically. There is no need to manually install the driver.

[en] Syntax:

[en] xxxxx - full path pointing to the .INF file, available with Loftware driver installation files.


[en] Sample:

PrnInst.exe /PREINSTALL=C:\Drivers\AVERY\Win32\avery.inf

[en] Remove the preinstalled printed drivers and files from the system and from the Windows Driver Storage. When you attach the new label printer to your computer, Windows recognizes the device, but can't install the printer driver and prompts you for the driver location.

[en] Syntax:


[en] xxxxx - full path pointing to the .INF file, available with Loftware driver installation files.

[en] Sample:

PrnInst.exe /UNINSTALLPACKAGE=C:\Drivers\AVERY\Win32\avery.inf