[en] NiceLabel installation log

La traducción oficial aún no está disponible.

[en] Problem

[en] Your NiceLabel Desktop Designer installation goes wrong and you don't know the reason.

[en] Solution

[en] You can create an installation log file. Our development team will check the log files and propose the solution.

[en] To create log files, run the installation from Command Prompt (CMD):

  1. [en] Open Command Prompt "as administrator".

  2. [en] In Command Prompt navigate to the NiceLabel installation file location.

  3. [en] Add the string

    NiceLabelNiceLabel 10.exe /l /l="C:\Temp\InstallLog.txt" 

    [en] Logfile will be created in C:\Temp\InstallLog.txt. You can change the file name and path.

  4. [en] Press <Enter> to run the installation.

[en] Installation logging creates two files:

  • [en] C:\Temp\InstallLog.txt

  • [en] lblinstall.log file in %temp% folder

[en] Send both files to NiceLabel support.