[en] Design variable-length labels

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[en] Problem

[en] Variable-length labels change according to the size of objects on your label. When you add more data to your label objects, their size increases and occupies more space on the label template. To fit all objects and data on your label, your label length must change to accommodate your changing data.

[en] Variable-length label sizing requirements are common for the garment and textile industry, where labels print on endless label material ribbons. Textile labels often have no gaps between labels. Printer cutters cut the material after each label prints.

[en] Solution

[en] NiceLabel supports variable-length printing on all NiceLabel printer drivers with custom media size capabilities. Printing applications define the size at print time.

[en] Enable relative positioning for objects on your label template. Your objects will not always stay in the same place on your label. Instead, the object placements change according to how you place parent objects.