[en] Can't print custom fonts in Automation

La traducción oficial aún no está disponible.

[en] Problem

[en] You installed a custom font on your computer. You can print labels using that custom font from Desktop Designer, but Automation prints the default font (usually Arial) instead.

[en] The problem occurs because you installed the custom font only for the user that runs Desktop Designer. Automation runs as a Service and often under a different user. Automation user doesn't have access to the custom font.

[en] Solution

[en] Reinstall the custom font for all users:

  1. [en] Press the Windows key and type "Font settings" to open your Fonts settings.

  2. [en] Click your custom font, then click Uninstall.

  3. [en] Reinstall the custom font, but this time, use the option Install for all users.



    [en] If you download the custom font from the Internet, first unzip the package and then run font installation from the unzipped file.

  4. [en] Restart your computer to apply the changes.

[en] Now, you can print your labels using custom fonts from Automation.