Image {imageName}
could not be found. It might not display correctly in the converted file.
The image that is used in the label template was not found in the referenced location and cannot be displayed. However, the image is still referenced in the converted label template.
You will see this message even if you provide the images in the GetLPSArtifacts.ZIP because the Conversion Service looks for the images in the original (absolute) location not in the folder within the GetLPSArtifact.ZIP file.
If you make sure the images are in the correct folder(s) at print time, NiceLabel will find them and use them on the label. Keep the images in the original folders as used in LLM.
If you will install NiceLabel software on the same computer as LPS, the images are already in the folder, where NiceLabel looks for them.
If you will install NiceLabel software on a new computer, make sure to copy the images from the LPS computer into the same location on a new computer.
You can also move the images into folders where NiceLabel looks for them. For details, see the KB article: Using project folders to manage files needed on the label or form.