The Conversion Service relies on the ZIP file prepared with the tool GetLPSArtifacts. The tool is designed to run on the customer’s system where LPS is installed. The tool will collect the LPS-related data and LWL label templates found in the default location "c:\Program Files (x86)\Loftware Labeling\LABELS".


The GetLPSArtifacts tool will collect label templates from a default location. They will not be included when you store label templates in some alternative location (e.g., network drive).

The ZIP file contains many artifacts, but the Conversion Service only uses files from the following folders:

  • Labels. LWL files are used from here.

  • Jobs\Printed. Command files are used from here (such as PAS or XML files). This is an optional folder and used for the following:

    • To generate a list of label templates ordered by the frequency of their printing. The most-used label template is on top. This can give you a sense of urgency - which label templates must be converted first.

    • To generate label previews (used in the conversion report) with the real data from past print requests.

  • Layouts. The layout definition files determine how the templates fit on pages (A4, Letter).

When the customers do not use LPS and want to convert their LWL labels into NLBL format, you cannot run GetLPSArtifacts. The tool needs LPS to be installed.

In that case, you can manually collect the LWL labels from the customer's system. Then pack them into a ZIP file. Make sure you save the LWL files inside a folder “Labels” in the ZIP file. Do not store labels in the main folder, they must exist in the subfolder “Labels”.

If your GetLPSArtifacts file is particularly large, it will take more time to submit it or you might even reach the upper limit and the file won’t be accepted. In that case, remove the content that the Conversion Service does not use.

Do the following:

  1. Make a backup copy of your GetLPSArtifact file. While the Conversion Service does not use all the files within, they might be useful for the overall process. For example, the ZIP file also contains images.

  2. Double-click the ZIP file to open it in your preferred ZIP tool.

  3. Remove all folders keeping only “Labels”, “Jobs\Printed” and "Layouts" folders.

  4. Save file.

  5. Submit the modified ZIP.