Special function in {functionName}
cannot be converted. {replacementValue}
has been put in its place.
The formula in the original label contains a function that is not supported in NiceLabel. An example of such a function is MOD10() or UCCMOD10() or CODEUCC(). Instead of the function, the Converter puts the word 'Missing' in the formula in the converted label.
This error message is frequently reported for the label templates that use GS1-formatted barcodes. In LLM, you must configure a formula to encode special characters (such as FNC1) or calculate a check digit. In NiceLabel, you design a GS1-compliant barcode using a wizard that effectively takes care of all technicalities for you.
There is no shortcut to perform the automatic GS1 barcode conversion to NiceLabel. You will have to recreate the barcode.
Open the converted label template for editing in NiceLabel Designer. You must manually edit and update the formula in NiceLabel. You must replace the text 'Missing' with a proper NiceLabel component/function.
You have two options:
When the original formula is fairly simple and NiceLabel supports the used formula, you can update the function in NiceLabel. For example, the function MOD10() could be replaced with the custom Python function Modulo10() that is provided in NiceLabel. NiceLabel converts all formulas from LLM label templates into Python functions. To see the custom functions provided with NiceLabel, double-click the Python function in the Data tab, then click Script editor and expand the Custom functions section.
In most cases, the original labels use manually constructed content for the GS1-128 barcode. It's best to just recreate the GS1-128 data source using the GS1-128 Wizard in the NiceLabel Designer. NiceLabel calculates check digit automatically, so normally you do not need to use any separate function to calculate it.