This is the most important tab in the entire report as it provides information about the errors encountered during the conversion. The tab contains three sections.
Open issues section
This section lists distinct issues as identified in the Converter Service. The table will display each type of error message in a separate line. Multiple labels can report the same error message, and they will be grouped under that message.
The first item in each line is the Jira identifier. This is a web link to the internal Jira system where the error is being tracked. Members of the Loftware team have access to Jiras. The identifier is color-coded. The red (Danger) and yellow (Warning) are error types you have to manually attend to on each label. The blue (Info) are error types that do not need a change in the label design.
The second item in each line is the unique error message. You might see some placeholders identified with fields inside curly brackets. Those identify variable content in the error message. For example, in the following message, the {itemName} is such a placeholder.
Character mask for {itemName} does not exist in NiceLabel, Allowed characters set to All.
The same message applies to several labels, but the name of the object on the label (the {itemName} is always different. You can click the error name to expand the list of labels affected by that error. The number of affected labels is also displayed in a balloon next to the error message.
To the far right, there is the "i" icon. Click it to reveal the technical information behind the error message. Basically, you will learn why the error happened and what you must do to resolve it. You will have to open the converted label in NiceLabel Designer and manually update specific object properties or even redesign portions of the label template.
Labels with issues section
This list contains label templates with issues as logged in the Conversion Service.
The labels in this list all reported problems during the conversion. Click the label name to display all issues logged for it. That information is read from the TXT files in the CompatibilityReport subfolders. You will have to open each label in NiceLabel Designer and manually fix issues. See the suggested resolution steps in the Open Issues section.
You can click the icon in front of each label name to open its preview.
Labels with no issues section
This list contains labels for which the Converter reported no errors during the conversion. You still have to do some basic testing for these labels.
Click the panel object to see the complete list of labels.