After you have downloaded the ZIP file, extract it to some folder.

The ZIP contains the following:

  1. File report.html. This is the main file providing the results of the analysis process. You will learn about the nature of the submitted label files, errors encountered during the conversion process, and suggestions to resolve the errors.

  2. File LblsAllSummary.csv. A file containing detailed information for all objects defined on all LWL labels. This file is intended for advanced manual analysis. You can ignore it.

  3. File LWLabelCounts.csv. A file containing analysis of the provided command files (such as PAS), if you have provided them. It will list the number of times each label template was used in the command files. The same information is provided in the report.html, so you can ignore this file.

  4. Folder ConvertedLabels. This folder contains the converted NLBL label templates. The same tree structure is kept as provided in the GetLPSArtifacts ZIP file. The label folders will also contain a TXT file with scripts used in the label templates. You can ignore these files as the same content is provided in the report. Each folder contains two subfolders:

    1. CompatibilityReport. It contains raw error messages from the Conversion Service. Each TXT file lists error messages for the conversion of the label of the same name. For example, when you convert a label Label1.LWL, the raw error messages are available in Label1.TXT. The same information is consolidated in the report.html, so you can ignore these folders.

    2. LabelPreviews. It contains the PNG previews of the converted labels. In most cases, the preview will display only the static label objects. However, if your command files (PAS or XML files in \Jobs\Printed folder within GetLPSArtifacts ZIP file) contain real label data, then the key-value pairs are applied in the previews and labels will also show objects with dynamic content.


      Even if you provided key-value pairs in the job files, the label preview will not show the dynamic content when there are conversion errors reported for the label (anything identified as danger or warning).


The file report.html contains the analysis result. This is the main file to refer to for the conversion results.