This error message appears only on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
In Automation:
The error message pops up when you use any of the following in your Automation configuration to connect to the Microsoft Access database:
Database trigger
Action Execute SQL Statement
Database connection on the label
You are able to test your configuration in Automation Builder, but you see the error message in Automation Manager:
Error connecting to the database. Cannot connect to database
System error message: The ‘Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0’ provider is not registered on the local machine.
Automation Builder runs as a 32-bit application. Automation Manager is the user interface to Automation Service that does all processing in the background. The service runs as a 32-bit application on 32-bit Windows systems and as a 64-bit application on 64-bit systems.
In Desktop Designer:
You try connecting your label to Excel or Access database and get the error message above.
32-bit and 64-bit applications require appropriate drivers to access database sources. If you receive the error message above, your system doesn't have the necessary 64-bit database drivers installed. 64-bit service cannot open a connection to the database.
The Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider is not available as a 64-bit component, it was only developed as a 32-bit component.
To solve the problem:
Install 64-bit drivers to access your database. Microsoft Access 64-bit drivers are available for download from Microsoft Web site.
For more information, see the NiceLabel Knowledge base article Connectivity to Office documents on 64 bit platforms.
The package doesn't contain Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider. Instead, it installs the OLE DB provider with the name Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider. This provider is available as a 32-bit and as a 64-bit component. You can use the same provider in NiceLabel Designer Pro and Automation Builder (both are 32-bit applications), and in Automation Service (64-bit application).
Note: if you installed Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime, you see a newer version of the OLE DB provider, named Microsoft Office 15.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider.
Change the connection string in every database connection to the Microsoft Access database on your labels, in the database triggers, or in the Execute SQL Statement actions.
Make sure that you use the Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider:
Selecting the new database provider doesn't change any other setting made to the connection, such as the selection of the fields, or optional filter definition.