You create a project with labels and solutions for your customer, but when you copy the files to the customer's computer or Control Center, not all files that you used in the project (databases, images...) are found.
When you place an image on the label or create a connection to the database, NiceLabel remembers the original location of linked files. On the customer's computer, you might have copied the files to some other folder than exists on your computer, and this might be the reason for the failure.
NiceLabel software looks for files in the remembered folder, searches other locations, and uses relative paths.
NiceLabel searches in four levels. If the file is not found in the current level, NiceLabel tries the next level.
When you copy your files to Control Center (on-premise installation or Loftware Cloud), use the following structure:
When you copy your files to Cloud Designer, use the predefined folders:
Level 1: NiceLabel checks the folders as used during the configuration
Designed files with links to:
Level 2: NiceLabel checks the folders as set in the program options
These folders can be modified in File>Options>Folders.
C:\Documents and Settings\user\NiceLabel\Labels\label.nlbl
C:\Documents and Settings\user\NiceLabel\Solutions\solution.nsln
C:\Documents and Settings\user\NiceLabel\Database\products.accdb
C:\Documents and Settings\user\NiceLabel\Graphics\logo.png
Level 3: NiceLabel checks the current folder
The current folder is the one containing the label or solution file requesting a link to a file.
Level 4: NiceLabel checks the "labels, solutions, database, graphics" project structure
C:\New folder\Project\Labels\label.nlbl
C:\New folder\Project\Solutions\solution.nsln
C:\New folder\Project\Database\products.accdb
C:\New folder\Project\Graphics\logo.png
To make sure that your solution will work independently on any computer, always use the folder structure as suggested in Level 4. This ensures the relative paths are always the same.
Follow these steps to create the proper folder structure when you start working on the project that will be running on somebody else's computer.
Create a folder for your project, for example, 'Project'.
Make four sub-folders in this folder. Name them Labels, Solutions, Database, and Graphics. It is important to use these exact folder names in English.
Create or copy the files in the appropriate folders: labels go into the Labels folder, solutions go into the Solutions folder, database files go into the Database folder, and images go into the Graphics folder.