Your landing page in Desktop Designer is an introduction which opens after the application loads. The page includes the following:
New document area: create new or open existing Desktop Designer documents.
Create a New Label: create new label documents.
New Solution: create solutions with labels and forms.
Open from Document Storage: open labels or solutions from Document Storage on your connected NiceLabel Control Center.
Open...: open existing label and solution files from your workstation, cloud or network locations.
Recent Files: lists recently used Desktop Designer files.
Your landing page and its sections are different when you run licensed Desktop Designer editions or trial versions.
Learning resources: access useful resources to help you create labels and solutions, and learn more about NiceLabel 10.
Training Videos: access your NiceLabel video tutorial library. Video tutorials help you learn label design basics and solution building in just minutes.
User Guides: access the entire online library of NiceLabel user guides. User guides provide you comprehensive descriptions and instructions for using NiceLabel 10.
Printer Drivers: access Loftware printer drivers. Drivers let you optimize your labels to print on specific printer models.
Software Information: contains information about your installed copy of NiceLabel 10 – license, license key, and installed version. If a newer version of NiceLabel 10 is available, notification links appear automatically. Click the link to download and install the latest version.