For 10.3 and later releases
NiceLabel licenses are perpetual for on-premise installations (Loftware Cloud products use subscription licensing models). There are two on-premise licensing options:
Single-User. Your license allows you to run one instance of NiceLabel on a single computer. You can use an unlimited number of printers from this computer.
Multi-User. Your license allows you to run an unlimited number of NiceLabel NiceLabel 10 instances on an unlimited number of computers if these computers can communicate with each other and belong to the same domain.
If you use Control Center 2019.2 or later license, your computers can belong to different domains as long as they can connect to your Control Center.
However, the number of printers you can use is limited by the number of “printer seats” that come with your license. All your computers use the same license key.
If your multi-user license regularly exceeds the number of print seats, you should purchase a license upgrade.
For 10.4 and newer releases
NiceLabel uses printer-seat-based licensing. That means printer seats determine how many printers you can print to at a time.
For subscription overview, on-premise products use License Center, while cloud products use Control Center.
If you have LMS Pro or LMS Enterprise, you can choose to connect your NiceLabel product to either License Center or Control Center. For more information, see Connecting NiceLabel modules to License Center.
Printer-seat-based licensing
Multiuser licenses allow you to install NiceLabel on an unlimited number of computers. However, your license allows a limited number of printer seats. Make sure to purchase enough printer seats so enough printers are available for your print jobs.
If you exceed the number of printer seats, you get a warning on your screen and enter a "grace period" of 30 days. Your printers still print during the grace period.
Printer seat
Printer seats are printer usage units. With each printing to a different physical or virtual (XPS, PDF) printer, a printer takes one printer seat.
Example 1. Example of printer seats
There are five available printer seats in this account. That means you can print on five different label printers. Six printer seats are used. One printer is reserved, which means the printer takes a printer seat until someone unreserves them.
How to add printer seats
You can always upgrade your license if you need more printer seats.
To upgrade your license, contact your Loftware partner or our sales.