[en] You have two different kinds of printers. Printer A prints landscape-oriented labels. Printer B prints portrait-oriented labels.
[en] Label orientation is a label design property, and for such printing, you use two label files with the same design but different label properties, which is inconvenient.
[en] To avoid additional label designs for printing both portrait and landscape orientations, you can print with Designer PowerForms or Automation using only one label design.
[en] To create a solution for printing both orientations:
[en] Add a new variable to your solution. For example,
. -
[en] Set Initial value for your new variable. Enter XML data about your label settings.
[en] The syntax for XML content in your variable:
<LabelSettings> <Width>x_dimension</Width> <Height>y_dimension</Height> <Orientation>Landscape</Orientation> <Rotated>true</Rotated> </LabelSettings>
: Label width and height in Units of measure defined in Label Properties. For example,100
: Landscape/Portrait[en]
: True/False[en] See the graphical explanation about orientation and rotation in Label Properties > Paper.
[en] You can add additional Label Settings XML options. See the NiceLabel Automation user guide, section Sample Label settings XML.
[en] Open your Designer PowerForms or Automation solution and add the action Set Print Parameter.
[en] In Designer PowerForms create two separate Print buttons. Add Set Print Parameter action to the button where you want to print rotated labels.
[en] Expand Show advanced print parameters.
[en] Enable Data source in Label settings. Select your orientation/rotation variable.
[en] Click OK.
[en] When you press the Print button with the Set Print Parameter action in Designer PowerForms or execute the action in Automation, your labels print with orientation/rotation different from your label design.