[en] Deactivating your single-user license

Die offizielle Übersetzung liegt noch nicht vor.

[en] Problem

[en] You can deactivate your single-user NiceLabel license if you want to activate it on another computer.

[en] Solution

[en] Note: The computer with NiceLabel software must have internet access. When you deactivate your license, your computer connects to the NiceLabel activation server.

[en] To deactivate the license:

  1. [en] Open NiceLabel Desktop Designer.

  2. [en] Go to File > About.

  3. [en] To quickly find your license key after deactivation, click Copy license key to clipboard.

  4. [en] Click Deactivate your license.

[en] Now you can activate NiceLabel with the same software key on another computer.

[en] Read more about NiceLabel licensing in Licensing and Activation document.