[en] Understanding multi-user license activation errors

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[en] Problem

[en] When you try to open your NiceLabel application, you can receive a license activation error message.

[en] Here is an example:


[en] Solution

[en] You receive these errors when you use NiceLabel on computers or workstations located on domains or workgroups different than your NiceLabel multi-user license activation domain group (where you first activate your multi-user license). You can use your multi-user license on multiple computers or workstations, but they must share the same domain or workgroup.

[en] You can resolve these errors if you:

  • [en] Only run NiceLabel on computers or workstations in the same domain or workgroup where you first activated your multi-user license (your activation domain group)

  • [en] Ensure all workstations where you want to use NiceLabel are communicating properly. NiceLabel installation configures Windows Firewall for workstation communication. To configure different firewalls or more complex network structures, allow such traffic:

    [en] - Run NiceLabel Proxy Service 10 on all workstations where you want to use NiceLabel Desktop Designer. Use Port 6772 TCP/UDP for inbound communication

    [en] - Run NiceLabelEPMProxyService on all workstations where you want to use NiceLabel Control Center. Use Port 6773 TCP/UDP for inbound communication

[en] Once you activate your license, you cannot deactivate or change your activation domain group because you can use your multi-user license on multiple computers or workstations. To change or deactivate your multi-user license activation domain group, please contact NiceLabel Support.


[en] These requirements only apply to NiceLabel on-premise editions. They do not apply to Loftware Cloud editions.