[en] Cannot print to shared printers after creating a new Access Role in Control Center

Die offizielle Übersetzung liegt noch nicht vor.

[en] Problem

[en] Your Control Center administrator created a new Access Role in Control Center, and you can't print to shared printers anymore.

[en] The problem occurs to some (or all) Control Center existing users in all Access Roles.

[en] Solution

[en] When you create a new Access Role in Control Center, all user rights in Users > Access Roles > Printers are disabled by default. This can prevent printing to shared printers.

[en] Solution 1

[en] Make sure that NiceLabel Proxy Service NiceLabel 10 on client computers runs under an account with administrative privileges. Don't use a Local System account.


[en] Adjust Log On settings with all users that print to shared printers.

[en] Solution 2

[en] In your Control Center enable the two options as seen in the screenshot below:
